The Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar at Univeristy of Texas, Houston Medical School meets every Tuesday, 4:00pm, in the seventh floor conference room 7.046.

Graduates should register to this as a course: GS 140111

We present and discuss recent developments in computational neuroscience, attempting a thorough understanding of the material as well as a wide view of the current literature.

Would you like to join? Please see our schedule and show up to our next meeting.

Like to be on the email list? Send a request to Harel Shouval: [email protected]

Fall 2009 SCHEDULE
1/12 Wei Ji Ma

The free-energy principle: a rough guide to the brain?
Karl Friston Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2009)

1/19 Ronald van den
Optimal stimulus encoders for natural
by Geisler, Najemnik and Ing 2009
1/26 Dimirty Yatsenko

A simple model of cortical dynamics explains variability and state dependence of sensory responses in urethane-anesthetized auditory cortex. C. Curto, S. Sakata, S. Marguet, V. Itskov, and K. D. Harris. J Neurosci, 29(34):10600–12, Aug 2009

2/2 No Seminar ---------------------------------------
2/9 Animesh Agarwal

Coupled Phosphatase and Kinase Switches Produce the
Tristability Required for Long-Term Potentiation and Long-
Term Depression
, Pi and Lisman, J. Neurosci. 2008

2/16 Harel Shouval Connectivity reflects coding: a model of voltage-based STDP with homeostasis Clopath Et Al. Nature Neurosci. (2010)
3/2 Spring Break  
3/9 Steve Cox Fast Kalman filtering on quasilinear dendritic trees
by Liam Paninski J. Comp. Neuro (2009)
3/16 Kreso Josic

The Asynchronous State in Cortical Circuits, Renart et al (2010), also see: Eker et al (2010)

3/23   No Seminar
3/30 Paul Smolen Learning as a phenomenon occurring
in a critical state
by Lucilla de Arcangelisa and Hans J. Herrmanna, PNAS 2010 Supplementary
4/5 Katie Ward Spike-timing-dependent plasticity for neurons
with recurrent connections
Burkitt et al (2007)
4/12 Tony Kellems A Simulation Study Investigating the Impact of Dendritic
Morphology and Synaptic Topology on Neuronal
Firing Patterns
j-Y Chen (2010)
4/19 Raymond Chan What can be learnt from analysing insect orientation flights
using probabilistic SLAM?
Baddeley et a. (2009)
4/26 Zhang Yilli Harmonic Oscillations in Homeostatic Controllers: Dynamics of the p53 Regulatory System Jolma et al 2010
5/3 Stuart Red Shape effects on reflexive spatial selective attention and a plausible
neurophysiological model
by Saumil S. Patel, Xinmiao Peng, Anne B. Sereno Vision Research 2010 in press

List of Theoretical and Computational Talks in the Houston area

Journals and Reviewers
Nature Yoshi
Science Josic
Biophys J. Naveed
J. Neurophysiol Harel
J. Neurosci. Harel
Nature Reviews Neurosci Josic
Nature Neurosci Josic
J. Comp. Neuro  
Neuro Comp  
PLOS Comp Biol. Harel
Biol Cybern  
Physical Biology Naveed

Computational Neuroscience Labs at UTH

Computational Neuroscience Core Facility (CNCF)
The Gulf Coast Consortia
Contact the coordinator to list your site here

Fall 2008 Spring 2008
Spring 2007 Summer 2007
Spring 2006 Fall 2006
Spring 2005 Fall 2005
Spring 2004 Fall 2004
Fall 2003


Contents © 2004-Present The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
All Rights Reserved. Some material copyrighted separately by their respective authors.
Unauthorized use of materials and content subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy | UT-Houston Medical School
Site designed and maintained by Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar .
Website Contact: [email protected]. Page Last Modified 08/31/2010 4:01 PM